Saturday, April 26, 2008


Yes, Yes I know all of us are winners in one way or another...but I have never really been one of those people that are lucky in winning contest's. Well today people that has all changed thanks to Bloggie giveways! Yes if you have happened to take a look at my bloggy buddies you may have seen their link. What is Bloggy giveaways you may ask. Well basically you post a response (usually what your favorite item, color, etc. from the featured website) and you are entered into the contest. At the end of the dealine they randomly pick a number and whalaaa..if you are that number you win!
Lately they have been holding their Carnival and yes you have guessed it I WON...what is it I won you may ask....It is a Thai Kitchen cooking it looks like I will be learning how to cook Thai! So to show my appreciation to Busy Family Meals whom I won this wonderful set from I am adding her link under my bloggy buddies. Please visit her site and find some simple family meals and start cooking for your families!
So check back here and I will post pictures of me cooking Thai food....yes you read that correctly me cooking and I may even get some shots of my kids reactions to mommies cooking. Thanks again Busy Family Meals!


okay for those of you following this new adventure of mine....I am writing to tell you that YES the Thai cooking set has arrived. It looks delicious and I can't wait to start my experimenting ... but atlas we must all wait for my hubby to return home before I start my Thai cooking. It wouldn't be fair for him to miss this. So keep tuned and I will be updating you on my progress.

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