Sunday, August 31, 2008

A little crazy around here.

Well sorry I haven't been posting lately...its been crazy around here. So starting with me YES I finally started my job at the hospital. And when I say finally I mean it only took me 6 months to get in! It has been great, great, great. Everyone is wonderful to work with and so far I actually enjoy going in to work. Who could ask for more?

I can't believe hubby has been gone a month already. It seems like the time is flying by. Maybe because we have been so super here's a real quick fly by of what has been going on here:

M started kindergarden (wahoo) and seems to really like it. She even rides the bus and walks home from the bus stop by herself. Well okay the bus stop is only two houses away but still that's big news for a five year old! LOL

Baby C is growing, growing, growing! He turns one in a couple of days and I can't believe that its been a year since he was born. He's crawling like a champ now and always speeds to get outside when anyone opens the door. Besides that our only new accomplishment is screaming. Yes I said screaming. Him and little sis L love to start growling at each other (especially in the car) and then they get into who can yell the loudest. Not the funnest thing when you are stuck in a car together!

Little sis L is getting to be a big girl. Daddy called the other day and as soon as she heard his voice started yelling daddy dadddddy daddddddy until I handed her the phone. She promply started talking away. I think she is taking daddy being gone the hardest. Daddy was surprised how much more she is talking in sentence's now. Although I had not noticed until he mentioned it. Yes now my little girl tells everyone: I eelin ( I'm L), daddy i-ack (daddy's in Iraq), and loves to name boby feeeet, mommies air (mommies hair) eelin eck (L neck) etc. She has also learned to count. Doesn't always get it right but we've gotten to ten mostly down.

That's it for the kiddies I think. As for the happy and sad news of the family. We had to give our family pet, Zoe away. Some how she manged to get away from the new owners and was hit by a car. Because she was still microchipped with my info they called me. After trying to take of her for a week we ended up having to put her to sleep. It was very hard but I think the best choice for her. But we did end up getting a new family pet.......drum roll please.....and everyone welcome Rocky to the family. He is the cutest boxer you have every seen. And good news he gets along with all of the kiddies. Although we have been having a problem with him going to the bathroom in the house we are working on that.

So there's my fly by of what has been going on the last four weeks here. Hopefully I will keep up with this more often than what I have been. Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!


Unknown said...

I miss you sis... tell the little ones I love them.

Love you!

Janet said...

HELLO THERE!!! What adorable pictures!!! Give the kids a hug for me! We can't seem to get ahold of you. Are you coming up for Thanksgiving...would love to see you!!!

Hugs, janet