Monday, July 28, 2008

Typical day in the life of blessed with 3!

M and L with their "daddy dolls"
They love the personalized messages daddy recorded for them!

So I've surrived the last two days on my own. When all of a sudden it hit me today....I don't think I've ever had to take care of all 3 of my kids by myself before. Lets see our first nanny arrived shortly before baby C arrived and we've had one ever since. Well there was those four days (or was it just the weekend that felt like four days long) that I had the kids by myself. Last night and tonight I've had the worst headache...I mean to the point of being nausous! I wonder if that would have something to do with hubby not even being gone a week yet and my oldest M has been on a rampage breaking things. Like the baby pool I've only used once! Yes I guess I wasn't very clear when I said "don't touch the pool I will be out to hook it up in a minute". So much to my surprise I guess a minute was to long for M to wait and sure enough she put the hose on the pool and turned the hose on full force and blew a hole in it. So last night when she walked out of her room with the curtains and said they just fell down I had a sneaking suppision that she helped them to just fall down. Oh and she might just have helped the vinyl sign that had her and her sisters name on it to fall down also (considering it was in a ball). I mean could you wait for a better time or what. But all in all we are all still living so that's got to count for something right LOL.


So today was the typical day in my household. Well except for my husband being gone, me getting back from my Grandfather's funeral late friday night and the two day trip from....well that place that is really, really hot. Oh then to top it all off I was up at 4AM to get my nanny (ie the lifesaver of this family) to the airport....because yes you've guessed it she flew home on vacation for two weeks! Not to mention I was on my own with me three kids but also my neighbor's 3 kids who by the way she was in the hosptial having her new little one YEA (welcome to the world!). So if you don't take all that in to consideration today was my naormal usually uneventful life LOL!

Baby C learned to wave hello and goodbye all at once. He loved his new trick and giggled everytime he would open and close his little fist and I would say "hello". Then he would get all excited and start waving his hand back and forth and I would say "goodbye". So when I finally was able to drag myself to bed that night it was not much of a surprose to find L in my my bed my bed diaperless and covered in permant black my bed diaperless, covered in black marker and surrounded by black permant marker all over my sheets! Oh how adorable and cute are my kids :o)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have your hands full! J and I are going on vacation down there. Do you want us to bring Ape to help with the kids? She said she can take off. Please call us so we can figure out the details.We'd like to meet you somewhere to drop Ape off. We plan to leave Sunday night or Monday morning and come back home on Friday morning.

Unknown said...

Such cuttiepies! I miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. What a surprise. I hope things go smoothly from her on out. I love the daddy dolls for your girls. What a great way to keep daddy close while he's gone.

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