Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Life

Well hello how is everyone doing? I have been keeping busy here with lots of new and exciting adventures. As you know I joined swap bot and have been having fun swapping away. Its nice to get little surprises in the mail every now and then. If that wasn't enough fun I've opened my own etsy store: Blessed with 3 kids! Well actually the grand opening hasn't happened yet as I am still trying to make the necklaces to sell. You can see a few of the items I have completed if you look on the left of my blog page at the etsy store window. Feel free to visit the store and browse around....Keep checking back as new items will be added daily. I will also write a post when we have our grand opening and the first ten people to purchase an item will receive a free gift!
Now more fun for you to look forward to is Bloggy giveaways quarterly carnival!!! Yes it is here again YEAH!!! This time around I think I am going to join and have a giveaway of my own right here on my blogspot. So write the dates down and don't forget to come back Between July 28th and August 1st. Who knows you could win something for free and that is always nice! Don't forget to check out Bloggy giveaways site that week to enter the many giveaways they will have. You can find a link to their page under my Bloggy buddies.

As for the family well lets just say its summertime and the kiddies are driving mommy CRAZY! Yesterday M and her friends across the street bring me a baby bird....yes you guessed it she wanted to keep it for a pet! Like I know what to feed baby birds....and who is suppose to teach this thing to fly???? I mean I have one I'm potty training, one I'm teaching to stand up on his own (and eventually walk) and one I just trying to teach to clean up after herself. Like I have time to teach a baby bird to fly LOL. Anyways hubby and I took it to a bird rescue center last night. That was pretty neat they had a ton of birds, including a hawk and an owl they can't release back into the wild so they are training to take them to schools in the area for education! It was really neat to see. I think I will take the kids sometime...they would probably enjoy that.

Well enough of my constant rambling....I will post ya'll later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there Dawn! I have been trying to call you at home and on your cell to see how you are fairing since last Thursday.

Beautiful pictures!!! Selling your own jewelry?? GREAT! Look forward to seeing what you have made! Love ya, Mom Coulby