Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sleeping Angels

They never seem as
sweet and innocent
as they do when
they are sleeping!

Okay so now I am one of those mommies that have the nightly routine of "tucking" all my sleeping angels in before I head to bed. And I am not ashamed to admit I LOVE IT! There is nothing sweeter than at the end of the day going into your kids room and watching them as they sleep. Pulling the covers up and placing one more kiss on their cheek before heading off to enter your own world of sweet dreams. I actually look forward to this moment in the evening! No more whinning, screaming, yelling, pinching, or "mommy she...." Just three sweet little angel faces.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute!! I do the same thing. I go into their room right before I go to bed, fill up their sippy cups, fix their blanket (if they are not on top of them), take books and toys out of their bed and touch their little tummy and say a quick prayer. It is an amazing time!!